'If you liked this video, don\'t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel: http://www.liveloveparty.tv DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A ZUMBA FITNESS INSTRUCTOR? We have great news for you!!! You can get 15% discount when you use the discount code \" LLP15 \" when you register for a Basic 1 Zumba Instructor Training. Zumba Training Discount Code: LLP15 **This code can be used worldwide! Here are the list of trainings available at the Philippines: https://goo.gl/4V3qB3 SONG: Baam by Momoland STAY CONNECTED INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/livelovepartyph @livelovepartyph @jigsmcastro @kristieboni @chelovezumba @gaildlc @markbalatucan @zumbawithwintz @myjellbayanin @kri_m @idanceicare FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/livelovepartyph WEBSITE: http://www.liveloveparty.ph EMAIL: [email protected] LLP SHIRTS Order here: http://www.liveloveparty.ph/llp-shirts ZUMBA CLASSES at BP Dance Studio! http://www.facebook.com/bpdancestudio'
Tags: fitness , exercise , Dance , movement , LIVE LOVE PARTY , ZUMBA , philippines , choreography , manila
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